

débit d'eau


boue dans le filtre-presse


Treatment plant for waste water and sludge from industrial rubber seals processing

  • High purification standard for processed water to grant quality output (O-Ring for precision mechanics)
  • Maximum recovery of water, locally scarce resource (Sardinia region)
  • Maximum reduction of the risk of plant downtime thanks to redundancy and scheduled maintenance
  • Optimization of electrical consumption
  • Logistic optimization in sludge handling

Détails de l'usine

Water clarification and parameter control

Automatic dosing and control systems, to consistently ensure the compliance with the quality standards of the processed water.


To prevent the risk of machine downtime and ensure continuity even during scheduled maintenance, the system was developed on a double line, providing redundancy for the most critical items.

Production never stop

In addition to automatic management logics integrated with the factory processing, a strategy for the procurement of spare parts and for scheduled maintenance has been implemented together with the customer, so as to never stop industrial production.

Roll-off containers for sludge collection

The filter press was placed on a steel bearing structure allowing sludge to be collected and disposed of by roll-off containers, thus optimizing the relevant logistic operations.

Energy savings

Starting from a timely and systematic study of the piping and exploiting all the available hydraulic head, the necessary water flow rate is provided to the industrial process, minimizing the energy consumption.

Reduction of fresh water consumption

Given the local scarcity of water resources (Sardinia), water recovery was maximized in all phases of the process, collecting dripping water, pushing sludge dehydration to its limit and consuming the minimum quantity of water for the preparation of the chemical products.